Wednesday 16 September 2015

Updated: How to watch the CNN Republican Primary Presidential Debate live stream

Updated: How to watch the CNN Republican Primary Presidential Debate live stream

How to watch Republican Presidential Debates

One presidential debate live stream down, 10 to go. You can watch the second 2016 Republican Presidential debate on CNN tonight, September 16 before heading over to CNBC in October.

Like the previous debate held on Fox News, CNN's forum will have two segments. The later segment is the one to watch, as it pits front-runners Donald Trump and Jeb Bush against the eight other primetime contenders, including newcomer to the main stage, Carly Fiorina. The CNN debate will be held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California and starts at 8pm ET / 5pm PT.

The first section, on the other hand, will only star four candidates – Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal, George Pataki and Lindsey Graham – and the CNN live stream starts at 6pm ET / 3pm PT.

In case you can't make it to a TV in time for the debate, don't worry. There are plenty of ways to watch it online or a mobile device like an iPad.

Watch the CNN Republican debate live stream

The upcoming showdown is going to be legen-wait for it-dary, legendary, and CNN doesn't want a single person to miss out on the 11-person political battle royale, so you can watch it online.

While Fox required users to authenticate their cable subscription with a username and password, CNN said in a statement to Fortune that Wednesday's debate is going to be available "across CNN's mobile platforms without authentication. Users won't have to log-in to see the stream, [and] it will be available as soon as they visit or access one of our apps." Now there's no excuse to go into work on Thursday without watching the event.

CNN Debate Live Stream Watch Online

That means iOS and Android devices, including the iPad Air 2, iPhone 6 and Samsung Galaxy Note 5, will be able to get into the action by using CNN's mobile app while desktop and laptop users should simply head over to the CNN debate microsite.

As you might imagine, this surge of traffic might periodically cause the stream to buffer or stall from time-to-time, according to CNN Head of U.S editorial operations Andrew Morse told Bustle that he and his team have been meeting daily and assures viewers that CNN can handle such viewership surges.

Presidential debate time and schedule

So now that you know where to watch the CNN debate online, it's probably a good idea to go over when the debate is going to be on. Like the debate on Fox News, Wednesday's CNN debate will be held in two sessions, session A and session B.

CNN Debate Live Stream Watch Online

Session A kicks off the event at 6pm ET / 3pm PT with the four lowest rated politicians in the polls – Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal, George Pataki and Lindsey Graham. Each has more than 1% of the vote in three separate polls.

Why is it so small this time around? Former Texas Governor Rick Perry has recently dropped from the race while former HP executive Carly Fiorina has garnered enough popularity in the polls to be elevated to the later debate, leaving only four candidates.

The last debate live stream was only about one-hour in length, though, that doesn't necessarily mean this one will follow suit. However, you can almost certainly expect some sort of pre-show and post-wrap content on CNN once the second session ends.

Session B, however, is the one to watch. It will start at 8pm ET / 5pm PT and is scheduled for a full two hours.

CNN Debate Live Stream Watch Online

You can expect to see all the crew from August's debate back for round two from front-runners like real estate mogul Donald Trump and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, to some of the lesser supported candidates like current New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and current Ohio governor John Kasich.

Issues for the debate include foreign policy and tax reform, two subjects that Trump and Bush have strong - and separate - feelings on.

10 Presidential Fox News Debate video highlights

  1. Donald Trump open to the idea of a third-party run
  2. Trump combative on 'sexist' comments with Megyn Kelly
  3. Chris Christie, Rand Paul spar over NSA surveillance
  4. John Kasich on his support of gay marriage
  5. Kasich on how Trump is hitting a nerve in politics
  6. Jeb Bush on dynastic 'Bush' politics and 'brother's war'
  7. Marco Rubio: 'This election isn't a resume competition'
  8. Trump explains stance on illegal immigration, and so does Rubio
  9. Carly Fiorina jabs Clinton and Trump in same sentence (earlier debate)
  10. 7 minutes of closing arguments from the candidates

Read on for details on the first Republican Presidential Debate and information on the upcoming Democratic Presidential Debate, slated for October 13...

Fox News Republican Presidential Debate

Brace yourself for 15 consecutive months of presidential debates, which started with last week's Fox News and Facebook-hosted 2016 Republican Primary Debate.

You can still watch the back-and-forth video between Donald Trump, Jeb Bush and eight other top-tier candidates at this Presidential Debate. It originally aired at 9pm ET (6pm PT, 2am BST) on August 6.

This wasn't actually the first presidential debate you could watch online last week, though. There was also a second-tier debate happening, four hours beforehand, for seven candidates with lower poll numbers.

Both debates were live streamed, just in case you can't get to a television set in time for the verbal sparring. However, only the right credentials would let you watch it online in realtime initially.

Here's how you could watch the Fox News GOP debate, for future reference, and see the replay right now.

10 Presidential Debate video highlights

  1. Donald Trump open to the idea of a third-party run
  2. Trump combative on 'sexist' comments with Megyn Kelly
  3. Chris Christie, Rand Paul spar over NSA surveillance
  4. John Kasich on his support of gay marriage
  5. Kasich on how Trump is hitting a nerve in politics
  6. Jeb Bush on dynastic 'Bush' politics and 'brother's war'
  7. Marco Rubio: 'This election isn't a resume competition'
  8. Trump explains stance on illegal immigration, and so does Rubio
  9. Carly Fiorina jabs Clinton and Trump in same sentence (earlier debate)
  10. 7 minutes of closing arguments from the candidates

Watch the Presidential Debate full video

Fox News sent TechRadar its full debate video, so that it could be available to one and all, and offered it in both MP4 and Windows Media Video formats.

It's conveniently split the night into six parts, too, just in case you want to load it onto your 16GB iPhone 6 that's already run out of space, one-by-one.

How the Presidential Debate live stream worked

Fox News is known as America's conservative cable news channel, but the right aisle-leaning network is actually fairly progressive when it comes to online live streaming technology.

Eight years ago, Fox News began live streaming extra hours of programming, dubbed Strategy Room, with webcam-like quality and a makeshift table. Discussions were frank and unrushed.

2015 presidential debates

It has since morphed into mirroring the cable channel and contrasts with MSNBC and CNN, which are just getting their online programming acts together. MSNBC in particular has a smaller, buggier video player.

Of course, now that it's called Fox News Live and is a broadcast-level video service, it requires an authenticated cable subscription username and password. It's not unlike HBO Go. In fact, it uses the same username and password credentials you log in with to watch Game of Thrones.

The good news is that it currently supports 279 cable and satellite providers, including Time Warner, Comcast, DirecTV, Charter, Verizon Fios. Even Sony's PlayStation Vue is represented.

While Facebook co-hosted this event, it was merely providing analytics, user questions and online reaction, not live streaming the debate through the social network. Sorry, cord cutters.

Presidential Debate time and schedule

Flipping through all of the cable news channels, it feels as if the Presidential Debate coverage has been going on forever, but the August 6 forum officially start time was 5pm ET (3pm PT, 10pm BST).

The live stream began with the seven candidates who haven't garnered enough attention in the national polls, but can get some air time and name recognition in front of an audience – albeit a smaller one.

2015 presidential debates

This first debate featured former HP executive Carly Fiorina, former Texas Governor Rick Perry, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, current Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, current South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, former New York Governor George Pataki and former Maryland Governor and late-comer Jim Gilmore.

Some have criticized this GOP debate structure because it marginalized key Republican Presidential candidates, like Jindal, a current governor and the first Indian American governor in the US, and Fiorina, the only female candidate running for the GOP nomination. Both are stood out, according to the channel's post-debate analysts.

This first debate was short, lasting just one hour, and is Fox News then hosted an online pre-show in between the two debates, which started at 6pm ET (3pm PT, 11 BST). It included highlights and analysis of the first debate, along with expectations of the what the channel is calling its "Primetime Debate."

The official "Primetime Debate" started at 9pm ET (6pm PT, 2am BST), and lasted the scheduled two hours, followed by an 11pm ET (8pm PT, 4am BST) online post-debate show to wrap things up.

The roster of ten (in order of current poll numbers) consisted of real estate mogul Donald Trump, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, current Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, surgeon Ben Carson, current Texas Senator Ted Cruz, current Florida Senator Marco Rubio, current Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, current New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and current Ohio governor John Kasich.

Hillary Clinton was mentioned so much last week, you'd think she was at the debate. However, her on-stage performance will have to wait, as you'll read in our next section.

How to watch Democratic Presidential Debates

What about the Democrats, you ask? They'll have several debates, too, but have only just now announced the Democratic Presidential Debate schedule.

Their first debate for the is supposed to happen on October 13 (CNN) in Nevada. By then, Republicans will already have two prime time debates in their binders full of debates. The second Democratic debate is November 14 (CBS) in Des Moines, Iowa, which is first state in the nation to vote in primaries (really, a "caucus").

2015 presidential debates

That schedule from there on out follows the primary roadmap, with future debates happening four more times, in December 19 (ABC) in New Hampshire. January 17 (NBC) in South Carolina, February or March (Univision) in Miami and one last one in March (PBS) in Wisconsin.

There are fewer scheduled debates for the Democrats (so far) and there are fewer declared candidates. Former First Lady, New York Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has the most name recognition, but there are others.

Expect to see on stage former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley, current Vermont Senator and declared Independent Bernie Sanders, former Virginia Senator Jim Webb and current Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee. Current Vice President Joe Biden is rumored to be running for President.

The next Presidential debate and schedule

This isn't the last Republican Presidential debate – far from it. There are going to be 12 GOP-sanctioned debates, including last week's Fox News debate. Most, if not all, debates should be live streamed, unlike previous years.

Next up is a CNN-hosted debate at the Reagan Library, in Simi Valley, Calif. on September 16. Business cable networks get into the fray with a smaller CNBC debate in Boulder, Colorado on October 28 and a Fox Business debate in Wisconsin sometime in November.

2015 presidential debate

CNN has the final debate of 2015 on December 15 in Nevada, and then it's back to Fox News in Iowa for a January debate. Three Republican debates happen in February in New Hampshire (ABC) and South Carolina (CBS), Houston, Texas (NBC). Fox, CNN and one unscheduled debate round out the GOP commissioned schedule.

Tired of debates yet? That's okay. History has shown that the post-convention 2016 Presidential Debates are limited to three. There's also typically one Vice Presidential Debate, too. That's it.

It's not like the old days. In 1858, then former Congressman Abraham Lincoln and and Senator Stephen A. Douglas debated seven times in their run for senate, according to the Commission for Presidential Debates. Those debates were decidedly NOT live streamed on the internet.

As more debates happen, we'll update this page in real time to let you know when and where you can watch the Presidential Debates online, even if it takes 22 updates, one for every debate scheduled.

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