Tuesday 29 September 2015

Edward Snowden is officially on Twitter

Edward Snowden is officially on Twitter

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has re-entered the (online) public eye today by joining Twitter.

While he hasn't posted anything groundbreaking just yet, his first post - which asks "Can you hear me now?" - gives us a good indication that he will likely be using the social media platform as a way to voice his views and reach the public much more widely.

His profile reads, "I used to work for the government. Now I work for the public. Director at @FreedomofPress."

So far, he's mostly chatted it up with Neil deGrasse Tyson, which comes after having appeared on Tyson's StarTalk podcast just last week.

During the second part of the podcast that was posted later in the week, Tyson did suggest to Snowden that he get a Twitter account, at which point Snowden had said that he'd have to make it happen.

On Twitter, Tyson asked what Snowden thinks of the labels he has been given by the public, which includes traitor and hero.

"Hero, traitor -- I'm just a citizen with a voice," Snowden replied back.

Currently, while Snowden already has thousands of followers, he himself is only following one Twitter account - @NSAGov.

We expect to see some interesting exchanges in the future.


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