Got an Apple, Mac or iOS tech question? We have the answer. This time we have reader question that sounds simple: how do you delete all your emails from a device running iOS 8? It's trickier than you might think, but we'll show you how it's done.
What's the best way for me to permanently remove all the email messages I have on my iPad or iPhone? I'm running iOS 8.
Deleting all of the email from an iOS device is surprisingly tricky, but it can be done. If you have more than one email account on your device, you should start by opening the Mail app, then hitting the Edit button. Scroll down the list that appears; near the bottom you'll find an option called All Trash. Check this option (see image to the left) so that an All Trash mailbox appears on your main mailbox page.
Next, select All Mailboxes (or, if you have only one mailbox on your device, go to the inbox). Press Edit, then press the circle to the left of one of your emails to check it (see image below). Now comes the tricky part: press and hold the Move button at the bottom of the screen with one finger, then, with another finger, uncheck the email you previously checked.
When you release your finger from the Move button, all of your email should be selected to be moved to a new location. (This could take a while if you have a lot of messages; also, If you're having trouble selecting all your messages at once, try marking them all as read or unread a few times.) Choose to move it all to the Trash.
Go to the All Trash folder that you setup earlier (or your Trash folder if you have only one account). Choose Edit, then Delete All. Actually deleting all your email could take some time depending on your email setup and the amount of mail you have, so you may want to wait a while before performing any additional tasks in Mail.
Going through these steps should erase all the mail from your inbox, but if you want to clean out other folders as well (such as your sent mail), you'll need to repeat the process.
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