Thursday 24 March 2022

'I can say this': Moon Knight producer clears up George Clooney director rumor

Moon Knight executive producer Grant Curtis has revealed that George Clooney wasn't involved in the Marvel TV show's production.

Speaking exclusively to TechRadar, Curtis suggested that the popular actor-turned-director had not been drafted in to helm one of Moon Knight's episodes.

Curtis was responding to intense speculation, which appeared online in late 2021, that Clooney secretly directed an episode for the upcoming Disney Plus show. In October, The Ronin reported on Clooney's potential involvement, with the rumor supposedly stemming from his time working with Oscar Isaac on 2017's Suburbicon. For those who may not know, Isaac is the lead star in Marvel Studios' Moon Knight.

Two months later, The Cosmic Circus added fuel to the fire, suggesting that Clooney was working alongside one of his Catch-22 assistant art directors on Moon Knight. The Cosmic Circus later clarified that the information it had received may have been incorrect.

Despite The Cosmic Circus' retraction, speculation surrounding Clooney's possible involvement in Moon Knight generated plenty of interest online, with many Reddit and Twitter users commenting on the rumor.

Marc Spector plays with a Rubik's Cube in Marvel Studios' Moon Knight

Oscar Isaac was rumored to be teaming up with George Clooney on Moon Knight. (Image credit: Marvel Studios/Disney Plus)

With so much news generated from a single piece of gossip, TechRadar went to the source and asked Curtis directly about Clooney supposedly directing an episode of the Marvel Phase 4 project. Suffice to say, Curtis was unequivocal in his response.

"I don't know where that rumour started," Curtis said. "But I can tell you this: the directors of our show are Mohammed Diab, and Aaron Moorhead and Julian Benson."

Diab (Clash), alongside Moorhead and Benson (Synchronic, Archive 81), were already confirmed to have directed multiple Moon Knight episodes. Moorhead and Benson, who are also reportedly set to direct Loki season 2, were brought on for two episodes. Meanwhile, Diab was expected to helm the other four until Clooney was rumored to be involved in the MCU project.

However, Curtis' comments seem to have put an end to suggestions that Clooney has directed an instalment of the Isaac-starring TV series. Sure, some fans may argue that Curtis has somewhat sidestepped the question – after all, he only confirms that Diab, plus Moorhead and Benson, directed some of Moon Knight's six episodes. So some readers may suggest that Curtis hasn't actually denied Clooney's involvement.

But we have more evidence that Clooney isn't involved in any capacity. Ahead of Moon Knight's virtual junket, TechRadar received a press notes document that confirmed which episodes Diab, and Moorhead and Benson, had helmed. The latter duo have directed episodes 2 and 4, with Diab helming the other four. 

We can also confirm that, at the very least, Diab, plus Moorhead and Benson, have directed the first four episodes. TechRadar has had the privilege of seeing four Moon Knight instalments, so be sure to check back with us soon for our spoiler-free review. For now, you can see what critics' early impressions of Moon Knight are.

If you've already read that article, find out why Isaac's co-star Ethan Hawke thinks that Marvel's latest TV show could spawn a mini MCU franchise. If it does, we could see Moon Knight team up with some other MCU superheroes, which would allow him to join our 'how to watch the Marvel movies in order' guide.

We'll have more Moon Knight coverage winging its way to you ahead of the show's March 30 launch, so check back in with TechRadar soon.

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