Wednesday 25 July 2018

Netflix’s new icons will add a bit of personality to your user profile

If you’re tired of seeing the same three icons on your Netflix home screen, relief is coming: Netflix has just announced that it will add over 100 new high-resolution icon images to the service in the coming weeks. 

The new icons will include the cast and characters of the streaming service’s most popular shows, including Queer Eye, Bojack Horseman, Kimmy Schmidt, Stranger Things and Orange is the New Black. 

Old icons will still remain embedded in the service but those too will receive a small facelift to help match the more modern aesthetic Netflix is going for.

If this is all too much to take in, Netflix says you’ll have a few weeks to prepare yourself for the impending change - the new icons will be rolling out in the next few weeks to mobile, browser and TV devices. 

The change in icons follows Netflix’s announcement that it would significantly alter its TV-based user interface to make it easier to locate and browse new shows.

R.I.P. old generic streaming icons. You had a good run.

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