Tuesday 28 July 2015

Participate in our Windows 10 Q&A marathon Session

Participate in our Windows 10 Q&A marathon Session

Windows 10 launches in just over 24 hours and we're calling on you, our readers, to participate in a marathon Q&A session to help us all understand Microsoft's latest operating system better.

Send your questions, comments and even answers to other readers' questions in the Disqus thread below. A winner will be picked from the list of published participants and will receive an 8TB Seagate Backup Plus external hard disk drive worth £200.

Note that you have to reside in the UK (and be aged 18 or above) to participate in the draw but anyone can ask questions about Windows 10 and hopefully get answers to their queries.

You will need to have a Disqus commenting account. You can login either by Facebook, Twitter or Google without having to create a new one.

The winning comment will be randomly selected from the Disqus thread on August 1 but the competition proper ends on 31/07/2015 at 23:59. You will be able to comment on the thread but your entries won't be counted.


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