Thursday 6 November 2014

PS4 is Australia's fastest selling games console

PS4 is Australia's fastest selling games console

Sony has a lot to celebrate in the games console space. In the leadup to the brand's 20th anniversary in Australia, Playstation has announced that the PS4 is the fastest selling games console in Australian history.

That mantle comes courtesy of NPD data, incorporating sales figures up to the week ending 26 October, 2014.

While Sony hasn't broken down Australian sales specifically, Playstation Australia boss Michael Ephraim did confirm that 13.5 million consoles had sold worldwide up to the end of September.

Another NPD stat that Playstation is happy to crow about is the fact that the games console market has more than doubled in value since the launch of this generation, and the PS4 accounts for 44 per cent of the market's value.

A big run to Xmas

With just six weeks until Christmas, Sony is going all out in its attempts to grow its lead in the console war.

In addition to the lineup of games coming out this month, from Far Cry 4 to GTA V, the company has confirmed that the Playstation TV will be launching in Australia next week for $149.

It's also promised that fans of Home and Away will be able to catch up on their favourite episodes, with Yahoo!7's Plus7 app launching on PS4 before the end of the year.

But we want Playstation NOW

Of course, as good as things are going for Playstation right now, we still want more.

Playstation boss Michael Ephraim sadly confirmed that there's no announced roadmap for Playstation Now in Australia, although they are actively pursuing all options to launch it down here.

And, sadly, there's still no word on a PS4 ABC iview app.

  • Sony may be enjoying itself, but which is really better: The PS4 vs Xbox One?

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