Tuesday, 25 November 2014

GTA V becomes the best-selling game of all time in the UK

GTA V becomes the best-selling game of all time in the UK

Thanks to the recent Xbox One and PS4 re-release, GTA V has become the UK's biggest-selling video game of all time.

Chart-Track announced the new versions of GTA V have seen the Rockstar game's sales figures top the previous UK best-seller: 2012's Call of Duty: Black Ops II.

Before the Xbox One and PS4 versions of GTA V hit the shelves, the game had already sold 3.7 million units in the UK alone, but it took day-one sales of the next-gen version to tip it over.

GTA V also currently holds the record for the highest revenue earned from a game, clocked at £94m way back in 2013. That figure will be significantly higher now.

What's new in GTA 5?

While the Xbox One and PS4 versions of GTA V offer much of the same core content, they add plenty of extras, as well as sprucing-up the graphics to match games made for the newer consoles.

You get a first-person mode, letting you drive and walk around seeing Los Santos more up close and personal than the classic third-person view, and there are plenty of extra side missions packed in.

As expected, the new-gen versions of GTA V took the game right back to number one in the all format games chart, keeping Far Cry 4 off the top spot.

Via Chart-Track


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