Wednesday 22 October 2014

Nike CEO hints at 'stylish' wearables future with Apple

Nike CEO hints at 'stylish' wearables future with Apple

Nike and Apple have been working closely together for a great many years now, and their partnership appears to be as strong as ever.

Now Nike CEO Mark Parker has hinted at its future in wearables with Apple in an interview with Bloomberg.

"Technologically we can do things together that we couldn't do independently," Parker said. "So yeah, that's part of our plan, is to expand the whole digital frontier in terms of wearables, and go from what we say is tens of millions of users - right now there's 25 million Nike+ users - but to hundreds of millions."

He also slipped in a reminder that Tim Cook is still on Nike's board of directors and said he truly believes that wearables are "a big part of the future," although "what form it takes is the big question."

Style and substance

"I think what you'll see in the future are things that are more stealth, more integrated, more stylish, and more functional," he continued.

Apple just introduced the Apple Watch, which it plans to introduce in 2015, but no doubt the company is hard at work on more wearable projects it's yet to unveil.

There were plenty of rumors that Nike and Apple will collaborate on a wearable earlier this year, when Parker said he was "excited about what's to come."

We're still wondering exactly what he might have been referring to, but hopefully we'll find out soon.

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