Thursday 23 October 2014

Apple continues eyeing sapphire screens despite losing its main supplier

Apple continues eyeing sapphire screens despite losing its main supplier

Despite losing its primary manufacturing partner, Apple is adamant on producing sapphire screen for its mobile devices.

Reuters reports Apple is currently reviewing its options to continue producing sapphire screens. The Cupertino company is even purportedly considering teaming up again with GT Advanced Technologies (GTAT), Apple's former primary sapphire screen producing partner who recently filed for bankruptcy.

"We're going to continue evaluating GTAT's progress on larger sapphire boule (raw cylinders of artificially created sapphire) development, as well as consider other options for the facility," spokeswoman Kristin Huguet said

Between the sapphire screens used in the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus' TouchID sensor and a sapphire laden Apple Watch still on its way, there are many reason for Apple to continue its production of the scratch resistant material.

Call it a separation phase

Earlier today a settlement between the two companies revealed GTAT was backing out of its current sapphire production business.

As part of the deal the advanced materials company was allowed to walk away with all its intellectual property. GTAT also agreed to pay back the $439 million Apple had prepaid the company as an investment.

While GTAT will stop making sapphire materials, it plans to focus on supplying the equipment companies need to make sapphire materials. The two companies also agreed to continue in a technical exchange, sharing information on the development new processes to grow next generation sapphire.

So although they're broken up, Apple is strongly interested in getting back together with GTAT to produce more sapphire screens in the future.

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