Thursday 24 July 2014

Leaked Gear VR Manager reveals Samsung's kooky VR headset in full

Leaked Gear VR Manager reveals Samsung's kooky VR headset in full

Gear VR is Samsung's latest not-so-secret project to hit the interwebs. So far we've learned about its existence, what it could look like, and now someone has spilled the beans on its smartphone-connected interface.

Sam Mobile has gotten its hands on a leaked version of the Gear VR manager, the supposed companion smartphone app to Samsung's VR headset.

After launching the app and signing an end user agreement, the Gear VR manager downloads a number of core features including VR Panorama and VR Cinema. From the names of the software we can guess VR Panorama will allow users to view images while Cinema will display video.

Virtual totems

Samsung, Gear VR, Gear VR Manager, virtual reality, NewstrackAside from the media viewing options it seems an HMT Manager will let users setup multiple parameters to their VR viewing experience.

Chief amongst the tools Calibration will adjust your Galaxy device's sensors and display Gear VR's requirements. Adding in the fact that Galaxy device will display an Undock Alert upon disconnecting it seems more likely than ever the Gear VR will use Galaxy handset as the headsets screen.

Earlier renders suggested the Gear VR would slot in a smartphone infront of users' eyes similar to Google's tongue and cheek Cardboard. The key difference here is Google left Cardboard as a punch line joke at the end of the its IO 2014 keynote, while Samsung may be totally serious about this.

Digging even deeper into the HMT Manager reveals a users will be prompted with a message every hour reminding users that they are in a virtual world and not reality…which we're hope is part of a health and safety mandate and not Samsung believing its Gear VR will create a "Inception-level" of immersion.

Speak your mind

Samsung, Gear VR, Gear VR Manager, virtual reality, VR Headset, NewstrackOn a more serious note other screenshots illustrate users will navigate their VR experience using a touchpad on the right side of the headset while they wear their smartphone. Users will apparently also be able to launch apps using S-Voice by saying "Hi Galaxy" before dictating the name of the application.

Samsung Gear VR almost looks like a certain reality given all the leaks so far, but we'll have to wait to get our eyes on this crazy concept before we can really believe in it.

  • Oculus Rift still takes the cake as the best VR experience we've seen thus far.

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