Monday, 28 July 2014

You can now buy 3D-printed knick-knacks from a dedicated Amazon store

You can now buy 3D-printed knick-knacks from a dedicated Amazon store

Even if you don't "get" 3D printing, you can still take advantage, thanks to a new Amazon store that opened today.

The bookseller opened the Amazon 3D Printing Store with no bombast, and now customers can order their own 3D-printed knick-knacks straight from

Products are being offered by a wide variety of 3D-printing companies and range from phone cases and dog tags to jewelry, home goods and bobbleheads.

Users can customize certain aspects of these goods, often including color, size, shape, and more, but unfortunately Amazon's 3D printing store does not currently accept original designs from shoppers.

You can always do it yourself

We've asked Amazon whether fully custom design printing will ever be added to its 3D printing store, and we'll update here if we hear back.

But enterprising would-be 3D printing enthusiasts aren't totally out of luck, as the new Amazon store also lets users order their own 3D printers, parts, equipment, software, and guides.

And besides, companies like Shapeways already offer that service, so Amazon at least has some competition.

"From futuristic fashion accessories to home decor, this is your source for the gear you need to shop the future," the site says.

It continues, "3D printing is considered the future of print and manufacturing, and is set to dramatically change the way we buy and produce products in the future."

That much seems certain at this point.

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