Friday 26 May 2017

Save up to £50 on BT Broadband and Infinity deals until 1 June

If you're planning to take this Bank Holiday to finally get your new broadband sorted out, then BT has just made its broadband and Infinity fibre offers a lot more tempting.

Gone are the £20 and £50 activation fees that BT was previously charging to get new customers up and running. The only thing you'll now be asked to spend up front is £9.99 for the cost of delivering your brand spanking new BT Home Hub or Smart Hub router.

That makes BT's prices very competitive indeed, particularly when it comes to its Infinity 1 fibre 52Mb package - until Thursday 1 June, it's £28.99 per month with a £100 BT Reward Card thrown in to sweeten the deal and only £9.99 to pay at the outset.

Take a look at our table below to pick out the perfect BT broadband deal for you:

How does BT Infinity fibre broadband compare?

If you've considered BT broadband before, but felt affronted by the sight of a £50 set-up fee, then removing it now makes BT's plans look very attractive. We've lined up its prices for Infinity fibre broadband against the unlimited superfast options offered by the other major providers:

  • Virgin Media VIVID 100 Offering speeds of 100Mb, Virgin is unparalleled when it comes to pure speed alone. But it doesn't come cheap - monthly tariffs start at £32, and that's after splashing £20 upfront.
  • Sky Fibre Unlimited Price-wise, Sky just can't quite compete with BT right now. It's £30 a month anyway, and the £48.95 upfront fee makes it very difficult to justify unless you want to combine it with Sky TV.
  • TalkTalk Faster Fibre Broadband TalkTalk is actually leading the way on price at the moment, thanks to its £25 a month flash sale. There are two buts, though - one is that the speed is up to 38Mb compared to BT's 52Mb. The second is that BT is also throwing in that £100 Reward Card, which is effectively a pre-paid Mastercard that can be used pretty much everywhere.
  • Plusnet and EE They may not have the prestige of BT when it comes to broadband, but these two smaller providers have decent prices. Plusnet Unlimited Fibre is £25pm and £25 upfront, while EE Unlimited Fibre with Weekend Calls is £28.50pm after £32 upfront. For buts however, see TalkTalk above.

To compare all of the broadband plans on the market and to make sure you get the internet, TV and phone options that best suit your household, checkout our broadband deals comparison tool.

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