Sunday 30 April 2017

Hacker leaks new episodes of Orange is the New Black online

If you're Netflix, then you undoubtedly want episodes of your original shows to be as closely guarded as possible - if they find their way out onto the web at large, then fewer people are going to sign up for a monthly subscription package.

With that in mind, the powers-that-be at the streaming service are likely to be fuming that new episodes of Orange is the New Black have leaked online more than a month before the official premiere date of June 9, as TorrentFreak reports.

At least 10 episodes of the fifth season have now appeared on The Pirate Bay, thanks to a hacking group that goes by the name of thedarkoverlord. According to the hackers, Netflix was asked for an OITNB ransom that it didn't pay.

Hacked off

It sounds like the breach happened at a post-production studio used by Netflix. "We are aware of the situation," Netflix said in a statement. "A production vendor used by several major TV studios had its security compromised and the appropriate law enforcement authorities are involved."

More leaks could be on the way, too - thedarkoverlord says it has more material from the likes of Fox, National Geographic, and ABC. Presumably the pirated shows can be returned if a ransom fee is forthcoming.

"It didn't have to be this way, Netflix," say the people behind thedarkoverlord moniker. "You're going to lose a lot more money in all of this than what our modest offer was. We're quite ashamed to breathe the same air as you."

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