Tuesday 28 June 2016

Vine just aired its first ever full-length TV episode

Vine just aired its first ever full-length TV episode

Adult Swim has released Vine's first full TV show ahead of its broadcast on traditional TV, and it's called Narg Nallin' Sclopio Peepio.

The show, penned by Brad Neely, who has also worked on South Park in addition to a number of web series, is an animated show consisting of a number of surreal sketch shorts.

Section titles include 'Dog', 'Dog Dog' and 'Lord of the Things' and the show as a whole follows Adult Swim's signature adult tone and gross-out comedy.

Ten minutes, not six seconds

Unusually for the Vine platform the show runs for a full 10 minutes rather than Vine's standard six seconds.

As such the format is unlikely to take off without wide-ranging changes being made to the platform.

As a result it's not entirely clear why the platform was chosen other than due to its reach. With 200 million monthly active users Vine has a similarly sized user base to long-form video site Vimeo, but is dwarfed by the likes of YouTube.

Just last week Vine extended the maximum length of its videos to 140 seconds which suggests that longer-form video might soon be much more common on the service.


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