Thursday 7 April 2016

People are afraid to listen to Rick Astley's new song

People are afraid to listen to Rick Astley's new song

Rick Rolling, the phenomenon of tricking people into watching the video for Rick Astley's 'Never Gonna Give You Up', helped revive Astley's career. Now, it is his dagger.

Rick Astley just released a new song, but people are too afraid to click on links to it. They've fallen for that one far too many times.

"I was expecting a rickroll with 99.99% certainty," wrote johnq-public on Reddit. "Risky click of the day," commented Sanafabich on the YouTube video.

But it's legitimate this time - honest! The new song is called 'Keep Singing' and features on Astley's new album '50'.

You can listen to it here (As some people have pointed out, it's actually a lot better if you speed it up to 1.5x).

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