Monday 4 May 2015

This website is trolling a former HP CEO turned presidential candidate

This website is trolling a former HP CEO turned presidential candidate

We're still months away from the real mud to start flying in the US presidential election, but already there's a growing list of White House hopefuls and websites they wished didn't exist.

The most recent addition is Former HP CEO Carly Fiorina, who announced she's running for the highest office in the land Monday. And while Fiorina, who will seek a spot on the Republican ticket for next year's election, snapped up, someone in her campaign neglected to nab

That domain has now been transformed into an illustrative look at everyone Fiorina laid off while at Hewlett-Packard. On one page, carlyfiorina.orp purports to show this figure in row-upon-row of frown-y faces.

At the bottom, a final count - and message - is given: "That's 30,000 people she laid off. People with families."

The site was created by an employee of the Service Employees International Union, as reported by The Hill. The employee said he made the site as a personal project and it's unrelated to his work with the union, and records show the domain was registered in December 2014.

Fiorina is just the latest potential candidate to see a domain with her name registered to a site they likely want no association with. brandishes support for President Barack Obama and immigration reform (the Republican is not a fan of either). belongs to a gay couple who work in the tech field and host the site as a place to "have a chat, share viewpoints, and learn from each other."

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