Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Nintendo is hosting a Direct announcement on April Fools' day - trust no one

Nintendo is hosting a Direct announcement on April Fools' day - trust no one

It's time for yet another Nintendo Direct, where we get to see Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata wave a lot and stare intently at some fruit. The problem is, this one will be held on April 1.

Of all the days of the year, Nintendo is choosing April Fools' for a presentation on upcoming Wii U and 3DS games. While we'll be glad to hear what might be filling 2015's Zelda-shaped hole, we won't be able to help but be a tad untrusting.

The Nintendo Direct will take place at 11PM GMT/3PM PT/6PM EST. Expect news on Xenoblade Chronicles X, Yoshi's Woolly World and more. But if Nintendo pulls any fake Metroid game stunts then there's going to be trouble.


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