Monday 16 February 2015

Latest Mozilla Firefox browser offers glimpse of world without Flash

Latest Mozilla Firefox browser offers glimpse of world without Flash

Yet another service removing support for Adobe Flash after Mozilla began implementing a tool in its Firefox browser that allows sites to run Flash videos without the need for the plugin.

Adobe Flash's days were already numbered before Shumway was included as a part of the latest Firefox nightly build and, although it currently only works for product tour videos on Windows and Mac OS X, there are plans to roll it out further in future.

2015 has not been kind to Flash so far with YouTube, by far Flash's biggest video customer, delivering a potentially fatal blow a little over two weeks ago by opting to use HTML 5 for all videos on the site, however, it does still fall back on Flash when required.

Flash still has a place

Ever since Apple decided that Flash had no place on its iOS mobile devices, there has been a growing shift towards HTML 5, yet popular browsers such as Google Chrome still maintain a built-in version of Flash.

Flash will still have its place on the internet for some time yet given the sheer volumes of sites built on it and the fact that plugins, such as one that got around Flash in Internet Explorer for Windows, regularly open up more security holes that make removing it a complex conundrum.

Via: Cnet

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