Thursday 5 February 2015

Facebook can now stalk you even when you're not on Facebook

Facebook can now stalk you even when you're not on Facebook

Facebook has updated its privacy policy yet again, and it may have gone too far this time in its hateful quest to show you ever more specific ads.

The new policy says Facebook can track everything you do online - even on apps and websites that have nothing to do with Facebook - using tools that other sites can choose to implement.

The social network monitoring what you do while underneath its crumbling blue roof is one thing, but this is kind of ridiculous.

Ads get personal

The company has claimed in the past that users want to see ads that are targeted more personally toward them, but even if that's true it says nothing of whether Facebook users also want the social network to track their every move to get that data.

And naturally this isn't an opt-in kind of program - the changes went into effect automatically for all users on January 30.

It seems you can opt out through Facebook's mobile apps, but that may only affect what ads you see, not what data Facebook tracks.

European privacy authorities are reportedly already up in arms about Facebook's latest violation, so hopefully it's just a matter of time before users get fed up too.

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