Sunday 15 February 2015

EB Games Expo 2015: What to expect from this year's show

EB Games Expo 2015: What to expect from this year's show

We are still a long way out from October, the traditional celebratory month of the EB Games Expo. We're so far out in fact that the games retailer hasn't yet confirmed the show will be happening.

But given the success of the past couple of years, it's probably a foregone conclusion that gamers of all ages will be heading to the Sydney Showgrounds some time in October once again, to get their hands on the latest games, consoles and interactive experiences at the EB Games Expo 2015.

We're still a long way from knowing exactly what to expect this year, but if history is any indication, there are a few safe bets on the types of areas we can expect to see.

We'll keep this page updated with details as they come to light, but in the mean time, here's everything we expect to see at the EB Games Expo 2015

Games, Games, Games

For the past few years, the big three console manufacturers have all had pretty massive stands, with an emphasis on trying to showcase the benefits of the next-gen lineup of consoles, from the PS4 and Xbox One to the Wii U.

Naturally, a big part of these stands are the exclusive titles destined to be released, and with games like Uncharted 4, Halo 5 and Forza 6 all destined to launch this year, we expect this year's show to be a hotbed of awesome gaming action.

And that doesn't even take into account the publisher's stands. In past years, Ubisoft, Activision, EA and Bethesda have all had a significant presence at the show, and we don't expect anything to be different in 2015.

2. EB Community

EB Games Expo 2015

If there's one thing gaming expos have shown us, it's that gamers love listening to people from the gaming industry talk. Whether it's a panel on making a AAA title or industry veterans discussing moving trends and challenges they face in their work, you just can't have a gaming expo without panels.

At the EB Games Expo, these panels fall under the banner of EB Community. Last year, a 1,000 seat stage area hosted Q&A sessions with the team from Good Game, some comic performances, Cosplay competitions and heaps more.

This year, we expect a similar lineup, but we'll have to wait and see exactly what to expect.

3. EB Megastore

EB Games may host a pretty successful gaming Expo, but it's also a pretty successful games retailer. So it's no surprise that a big section of the show floor is dedicated to the EB Megastore.

EB makes it nice and easy for anyone impressed by a game on the show floor to pre-order or purchase, with a convenient shipping option so you don't have to carry your purchase around all day.

There's also a huge amount of collectibles available, so make sure your credit card is fairly empty before joining the EB Games Megastore queue.

4. Family Day

Even though the average aim of the modern gamer is well over 30, there's still a massive market for the kiddies out there.

For the past few years, the EB Games Expo has dedicated its Sunday to being a Family Day, with dedicated shows and panels specifically targeting a younger audience.

If previous years are any indication, this year;'s event will feature specific events for kids, a whole heap of kid-friendly games on show and exclusive competitions for the kids to win.

5. Home Grown Gaming

EB Games Expo 2015

Aussie developers are the best developers. Well, they're as good as any other developers around the world, anyway.

The EB Games Expo 2015 will undoubtedly dedicate a section of the show floor to showcase some of the best local indie developers and their games.

In previous years, more than 20 local devs have had a stand to show off their games, which were among some of the highlights of the show. Definitely worth checking out should you head to the event.

6. Cosplay aplenty

It wouldn't be a celebration of geek culture if there wasn't cosplay, and given just how big a part of last year's show Cosplay was, we expect the same this year.

While some will just dress up for the thrill of it, EB Games Expo attendees will also undoubtedly have the opportunity to enter Cosplay competitions on each day of the event, with the chance to win some pretty sweet prizes.

7. More to come

We expect EB Games to confirm dates for this year's show in the near future. But until then, we'll keep an ear to the ground, our eyes on the prize and our hopes that this year's EB Games Expo is going to be bigger and better than previous years.

And when the show happens, you can bet that we'll be on the show floor, covering all the news from the event.

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