Monday 5 May 2014

In Depth: Death of the app? How the web is taking charge once more

In Depth: Death of the app? How the web is taking charge once more

Death of the app? How mobile is taking charge

Your smartphone is littered with apps for this and that, but how many do you actually use? With mobile websites becoming more responsive and with web apps mirroring the functionality of an app, the novelty of visiting an app store often seems like more pain than gain. The novelty has worn-off.

So says Dan Yates, founder of outdoor accommodation booking company (he also launched who thinks that many apps will slowly die away in favour of mobile websites. "In the first three weeks of April, we had 13 times more activity on our mobile site than on our app," says Yates, who reports that the mobile site recorded 111,695 sessions while the app had 8,328.

"Much of the publicity for apps focuses on downloads rather than actual use, giving a misleading impression of the popularity of apps," he says. "In reality users seem to spend their app time on a small number of popular apps, with acres of other apps rusting away on their home screens. It's far more convenient to fire up the browser."

Benjamin Dyer, the co-founder & CEO of Powered Now, which is about to launch a mobile app for trades people, thinks he knows. "Apps usually suck!" he says, and it's very difficult to disagree. "And installing apps is a pain in the ass – there is a high bar and the reward has to be worth it."

Pitch up

Too many apps

Google's research suggests that apps across the board are declining in popularity, showing that although the average UK smartphone user has 28.5 apps installed, only 10 have been actively used in the last 30 days.

However, it's not a clear picture at all; analytics company Flurry reported in April that app use in the US grew from 80% of peoples' phone use to 86% in the last 12 months.

And here's the rub; we all use apps. All the time. Every time you listen to music on a smartphone, you're using an app. The camera? An app. Facebook, Instagram, What's App, Angry Birds … all, umm, apps. All incredibly popular – but huge exceptions to the rule.

Apps might not be in decline in terms of total usage, but as a one-size-fits-all concept they're definitely being overlooked by some in favour of increasingly lavish and responsive websites. "Modern phones with quad-core processors and 4G networks, combined with modern browsers with extensive media support and local storage, allow great experiences to be delivered through sites," says Lorenzo Wood, Chief Innovation Officer at global marketing and technology agency DigitasLBi. "The FT famously abandoned its native app for an HTML 5 site because it could produce an equivalently good experience at much lower cost."


Put an 'm' in front of a website, it seems, and it instantly kills the need to go off and download the app. "Navigating the web is a much more immediate activity than going into an app store, searching for something and than having to download it," says Phil Bennett, a web developer at Carswell Gould, which built "It's a process that people have become comfortable with from over 25 years of browsing the web."

Richard Healy, Co-Founder and VP of Products at site builder BaseKit agrees. "Googling has not showed any signs of slowing in the shift towards mobile-first browsing," he says, adding that, "Apps that provide information, reference and information sourcing are surprisingly low in App Store downloads." There are exceptions; the Flipboard news aggregator works well as an app, though web-only approaches to news like Quartz ( are increasingly common.

Browsers 'open up' the web

Advances in HTML, CSS and Javascript are allowing the humble browser to be just as powerful as custom-made apps while saving companies money. It's helping open-up the web, too. "Not only are development costs a problem, but big players such as Google and Apple want to be gate keepers for all, which does not sit well with many developers who champion an 'open web' approach,"says Giuseppe D'Antonio, Founder and CEO of the special interest social service CircleMe, which in May will become a fully responsive website for any type of device. "If our users start to step away from traditional apps then we need to provide another platform that is just as responsive and delivers the content they're looking for."

Apps for iPad

Apps also often take an age to produce. "Sometimes companies are deterred by the app publishing cycle," says Jay Bopa Rai, Director Technical Services, EMEA at Kony, a mobile app development and testing platform. "It's a much more controlled process than tweaking a (mobile) website on the fly."

"It also has to be programmed to run on iOS and Android devices," says Healy. "This complicated, lengthy process is only worth the time and money should the app be searched for, downloaded and used … thanks to HTML 5 and CSS, one website fits all."

Efficient and searchable

Websites are also incredibly efficient. "If all a company is wanting to do is provide the most amount of information, to the most amount of people, a website is the best route to take," says Mark Mason, CEO and founder of app developer Mubaloo, whose clients include EE, Aviva, Met Office, RAC, Scania and Hargreaves Lansdown.

Apps are closed-off to search engines, which makes them highly unsuitable for some uses. "Mobile apps work within closed environments and therefore can't be indexed by search engines," says Chris Van Aurich, Director at Artlines Media, which produces responsive HTML 5 websites. "Mobile friendly websites are also universally accessible, with one code-base which works on whatever device you might be using."

Death of the app? How apps dominate

Apps dominate traffic

That's the argument against them, but the fact remains that some apps are doing well – very, very well. "If you look at mobile traffic the vast majority of it is done via apps," says Dyer. "Facebook is absolutely crushing it, its traffic is insane, and what's more, it plans to launch more standalone applications. There are seven online properties that have over a billion users; Google owns four of them and delivery via the app channel continues to grow."

One of the areas where apps make far more sense than websites is messaging. "Messaging still seems to be the major growth area," says Bennet, who think that the likes of Facebook, Apple, Google and Microsoft are desperate to crack emerging markets. "It will be interesting to see if other small and independent developers can take advantage of this 'space race' like WhatsApp did," he says.

Ah yes, WhatsApp, the app that proves that the global obsession with apps is alive and well. "The rise of messaging apps seems to know no limits at the moment," says Dyer. "If you want to know why Facebook valued WhatsApp at US$19 billion then look no further than its 500 million active users – it hit that milestone last month." WhatsApp users are sharing over 700 million photos and 100 million videos each day. "The most impressive thing is it has only just got started," adds Dyer.

It also depends on the service being offered; if you're constantly accessing a service, an app is unbeatable for convenience. "An app is only successful if the company itself already has repeat customers," says Healy, stating that it's the Facebook and Twitter apps' timesaving that makes them smash hits.

Apps push integration

Another area where apps trump mobile websites is when integration with a device is all-important. "They're perfect when tight integration with phones' built-in functionality is important," says Matthew Graham, Software Engineer and Technical Consultant at app developer Apadmi. "For example, a VoIP app could not be implemented via a mobile website."

The boom in photography and photo editing apps are all about a smartphone's built-in camera, SoundHound and Shazam use the microphone, and stargazing apps like Sky Safari and StarWalk use a phone's built-in GPS sensor to create a service that a website just can't match. "There are unique benefits to developing dedicated apps if you want to make use of smartphone functionality like the camera, GPS or accelerometer for example, which websites can't access," says Van Aurich.


Crucially, they all of these work offline. "A mobile website will provide nothing when there is no data connection whereas an app can be written to show cached information to the user, while it waits for the latest data to load," says Graham.

Games on the throne

However, it's gaming that has perhaps the tightest grip on the concept if the app, claiming a whopping 32% of app usage time (social networking accounts for 28%). "Browser-based mobile games simply are nowhere near the popularity of regular apps and I believe they never will be," says Rich Albon, Co-Director of Two Creature Studios. "With apps, designers can develop games in a beautiful, 3D environment, whereas most web-app games tend to be more restricted to a 2D format due to browser limitations."

We may be far from the end of apps, but it's clear that the landscape has changed from 'apps are good' to 'do I need another app?'. "The initial excitement surrounding 'having an app' has now passed and it's now about taking a more strategic approach," says Mason. "We wouldn't necessarily say that HTML5 websites are overtaking apps, more that responsive websites are becoming commonplace."

Before anyone gets carried away and predicts the 'death of the app', they would be wise to remember something. It may be ubiquitous and pre-installed on every smartphone, but it's worth considering what that Chrome or Safari browser on your home screen actually is. It's just an app.

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